Christmas at Grandma’s
I know this is a bit late, but I’ve finally had a bit of time to sort through and upload pictures of my family that were at Grandma’s Christmas get-together. [nggallery id=13]
Finding my way through music, photography, and technology.
I know this is a bit late, but I’ve finally had a bit of time to sort through and upload pictures of my family that were at Grandma’s Christmas get-together. [nggallery id=13]
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We are nearing a threshold. A convergence of two years, the end of one, and beginning of another. Tomorrow is the last day of 2010, and we will be forging ahead into 2011 in just a bit more than 24 hours. What will this new year bring? Will it bring fame, fortune, happiness? Only time […]
Christmas. The big holiday for Christians, and many others as well. It seems, over the years, that people have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Some people think that it is meant to worship God or Jesus, but that’s only half true. This is the time of year where you give unto others, wholeheartedly, and […]
Dear Santa, my Christmas list is short and simple this year. Please, I would like my health back, and I would like for others to look inward and take responsibility for their own actions and feelings instead of pointing fingers at what would be an easy target. Also, I would like for the people that […]
Yep. I’m still looking for a house. The one I REALLY wanted sold, and it happened to sell the week that I was extremely ill with a severe sinus infection and couldn’t make an offer, let alone go to the bank and further some more paperwork. One could say, that house wasn’t meant for me. […]
It seems, today is the day when we get hit with another potential ice storm. This brings up a mindset that perhaps we should be prepared. Some ideas and questions, particularly if you are a homeowner: Generator, DO YOU HAVE ONE? Check your ROOF. Make sure that it’s sturdy and in good condition. Freezing rain […]
Winter is, in its own way, upon us already. It won’t be too soon, before long, that spring marches back in with summer, in tow. I think now is the perfect time to start planning a trip to Holiday World, a road trip, or any number of things. So, what say you? Here’s a list […]
Here’s a song for you: Wonderful Life – Alter Bridge Close your eyes, And just hear me sing, One last long goodbye, One last song before you spread your wings. There’s so much left to say, And before this moment slips away What a wonderful life, For as long as you’ve been at my side, […]
It’s that time of year, again. A time to give thanks, and to respect and be thankful of the things you have in your life. Of all people, I’m usually the kind of person who has difficulty acknowledging the fact that I have things that should not be taken for granted. However, I would like […]