My, how things have changed for me. Emotionally, physically, mentally, sadistically (?), things have continued on and on. Just yesterday, I took a big step. I sold my Nikon D40. That camera had been practically attached to me since the day I bought it last year. With that camera, I had taken the following photos:
The last year of playing and practicing with my camera had let to quite a few memorable, and gorgeous results.
I cannot complain. I’ve learned a ton about photography, and I intend to continue learning about photography. In order to do that, I decided to move on to a newer camera. As a matter of fact, I bought me one of these:
I can’t wait for it to arrive, so I can continue my learning experience in photography, and to capture some of the most beautiful things I can in life. This camera is a Nikon D3000, and from what I have seen, it is more than suitable for me to continue. I look forward to taking more intriguing, and amazing photos that I can possible take.