Life seems to have a funny way of working through some things. Just when you think things pull together, they just might. In my case, it’s more unorthodox than usual.
I’ve spent the last several weeks being extremely busy. Within that time, I have gone to Kings Island, Windy Hollow to swim, Lexington to see my best friend an a wonderful woman from Finland that I have met. Actually, I can’t seem to get her off my mind. The friends I am closest to know all about how I can’t stop talking about her. I must be crazy.
Aside from all the travelling, I have been working on my website ideas, and coming up with new and innovative features. Those of which, I shall not talk about yet. They have been keeping me busy.
I would also like to extend my congratulations to Jeff on getting a new job back at home. Now he can return. I have to admit, I am slightly jealous, but I am very happy for him
On the job front: I’ve still got nothing. I’m sending my cards out to everyone to start getting clients, but to no avail. However, I may have a few “nibbles” in Lexington with jobs that pertain to using my degree. I’m praying that I cab finally get on somewhere. It’s sickening, stressful, and disheartening to know that I’m the only CS in my graduating class that does not have a job. That’s ok, though. I’m searching as hard as possible.
Things have been crazier than ever between me trying to find a job and spending time with family and friends. It’s hard to believe that my two youngest nieces are a year old. Well, almost. Alanna will be a year old the day after I turn 24. Crazy.
So I have three nieces that I need to spoil absolutely rotten. That’s another reason I want a good job. I love spoiling my nieces, just because I can. Wouldn’t you?
Yeah, yeah. I’m sure you all are wondering why I’m writing this at work. It’s a little slow right now, and things don’t get busy for me until after out 9 AM break, which is in a short bit. In any case, it’s time for me to find something else to do. I shall end with Paul Harvey’s infamous words, “Good day!”
Thanks, Josh. Good things will come to those who wait. I’ll keep an eye out for you and let you know if I hear anything… Leave no stone unturned in your search.